06/12/2021 Taiwan, Taipei, Nuova Taipei (New Taipei)
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”
Distretto Xinzhuang. 新北新莊區今(4)日中午12時許驚傳發現未爆彈!據了解,知名連鎖賣場位於新莊區幸福東路115號旁的工地,今天整地挖掘地基過程中,驚見一顆疑似未爆炸彈,嚇得工人緊急報警處理,轄區頭前派出所、偵查隊長獲報到場,立即封鎖現場,疏散工地工作人員,並通知國防部陸軍基隆未爆彈處理組,趕往現場處理,所幸這起事故並無造成人員傷亡。
Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover, the most important aspect is that we work completely non profit, raising awerness about this topic is what drives us. We apologize if we make use of pictures in yours articles, but we need them to put a context in how findings are done. We will (and we always do) cite source and author of the picture. We thank you for your comprehension.