26/07/2020 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Somerset, Sedgemoor, Brean
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”
This was the moment an Army bomb disposal team detonated a WW2 explosive device on Brean Beach on Wednesday (July 22nd) after it was found in the sand by a metal detector user the day before.
Foto-Fonte: burnham-on-sea.com
Il Comando Costiero di Burnham-on-Sea invia a Brean Beach gli Artificieri a causa di un residuato bellico risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale, trovato da un metaldetectorista.
If you find anything that appears to be an explosive device, do not touch it, leave it where it is and call the police. We will contact the appropriate agencies to properly dispose of the item.