16/10/2017 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Leicestershire
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”.
Durante lavori di sterro effettuati in area privata situata a Leicester in Hillsborough Road un giardiniere trova un residuato bellico inesploso, risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale.
Fonte: leicestermercury.co.uk (Jack Leach)
An unexploded bomb found underneath a driveway led police teams to descend on a Leicester suburb yesterday. Landscape gardener Jack Leach, 29, was digging at a friend’s house in Hillsborough Road, Eyres Monsell, when he hit what he believed to be a pipe. However, the discovery turned out to be a piece of artillery.