Ognuno recita il proprio ruolo, immerso in quella divina sensazione di devozione allo scopo comune: la realizzazione di un'opera d'arte, che anche la bonifica bellica sa idealizzare.

Yearly Archives: 2022

Nella casa dei genitori morti trova pistole e una bomba a mano della II Guerra Mondiale

Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare Frosinone–Latina–Viterbo–Rieti Roma Stava sistemando l’appartamento dei genitori deceduti qualche anno fa ed ha rinvenuto, oltre ad una pistola semiautomatica, due revolver Smith & Wesson regolarmente denunciati, anche una bomba a mano di fabbricazione inglese risalente alla II guerra mondiale (modello Mills bomb) conosciuta comunemente come “ananas”.  La donna, si è rivolta immediatamente…

Farmer killed by landmine explosion in Sahl Al-Ghab

A man was killed due to the explosion of an old landmine planted earlier in a tractor while tilling agricultural land in Al-Qarqour village in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama countryside. Source: syriahr.com Siria–Hama–Sahl Al-Ghab Territorio Al-Qarqour. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un contadino. Biography of a Bomb

Csaknem kétezerszer riasztották idén a tűzszerészeket

12/12/2022 Ungheria (Magyarország)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. ORSOLJA KULI Idén már több mint 1800 esethez riasztották a tűzszerészeket, jellemzően második világháborús eszközökhöz – írta Facebook-oldalán a Magyar Honvédség tűzszerész ezrede. Novemberben például 106 bejelentés…

Mortar shells defused in J-K’s Samba, Poonch

12/12/2022 India, Kashmir, Poonch–Jammu, Samba  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Jammu, Dec 9 (PTI) Security forces detected and defused two live mortar shells in Jammu and Kashmir’s border districts Samba and Poonch, officials said on…

Spezialisten haben die US-Fliegerbombe entschärft

12/12/2022 Austria (Österreich), Stiria (Steiermark), Graz, Graz-Umgebung “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Daniela Breščaković und Bernd Hecke Bei Grabungsarbeiten in Feldkirchen (Bezirk Graz-Umgebung) ist am Donnerstagnachmittag eine rund 250 Kilogramm schwere Fliegerbombe gefunden worden. Der…

Krzyżanowice. Ewakuacja z powodu znalezienia bomby lotniczej

12/12/2022 Polonia, (Polska), Slesia, (Śląskie), Racibórz (Racibórz-Raciborski) , Krzanowice (Krzanowicach-Krzyżanowice)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. 8 grudnia w Krzyżanowicach w rejonie ulicy Kolejowej pracownicy budowlani znaleźli niewybuch. Bomba lotnicza pochodzi najprawdopodobniej z okresu II wojny światowej….

Au trăit decenii pe muchia morții și nici nu știau: Centrul unei localități din Ceadîr Lunga, plin cu grenade, bombe și cartușe

12/12/2022 Moldavia, (Moldova-Молдова), Gagauzia (Gagausia-Гагаузія)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Peste 155 de obiecte explozive, proiectile de artilerie, grenade de mână, bombe de aruncător și cartușe au fost găsite în centrul localității Copceac, raionul Ceadîr…

Die Exposition gegenüber Phosphor durch eine Bombe aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg auf einem US-Stützpunkt in Deutschland führt dazu, dass fünf ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden

12/12/2022 Germania, (Deutschland), Baden-Württemberg, Stoccarda (Stuttgart)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Fünf Bauarbeiter wurden am Donnerstag ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, nachdem eine nicht explodierte Phosphorbombe aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg versehentlich die Patch Barracks getroffen und einen…

Fin de l’opération de déminage au Touquet, quatre blocs de défense explosifs désamorcés

Belgio-Belgique 12/12/2022 Francia, (France), Alta Francia, (Hauts-de-France), Passo di Calais (Pas-de-Calais), Montreuil-sur-Mer, Étaples, Le Touquet-Paris-Plage (Ech Toutchet-Paris-Plage)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Écrit par Yacha Hajzler Deux journées d’une opération aussi délicate que nécessaire pour…

Over 15 killed and 20 injured in explosion at a religious school in Aybak, 30 Nov

On 30 November, over 15 civilians were killed and 20 injured when a bomb exploded in a religious school in Aybak, the capital of Afghanistan’s Samangan province Source: aoav.org.uk Afghanistan Samangan-Aybak. Il 30 novembre all’interno di una scuola esplode una bomba (mina-ied?). La detonazione uccide 15 studenti (15-enni) e ferisce altri 20. Biography of a…