Ognuno recita il proprio ruolo, immerso in quella divina sensazione di devozione allo scopo comune: la realizzazione di un'opera d'arte, che anche la bonifica bellica sa idealizzare.

Monthly Archives: Marzo 2022

Żurowa. Ktoś znalazł w lesie granat z II wojny światowej i położył go pod krzyżem, który stoi na skraju lasu. To groziło eksplozją

21/03/2022 Polonia, Piccola Polonia, Tarnów, Szerzyny, Żurowa “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Paweł Chwał Granat moździerzowy, prawdopodobnie z czasów II wojny światowej leżał w ogródku przy metalowym krzyżu, stojącym na skraju lasu w Żurowej. Nie wiadomo…

Seine-Maritime. Deux engins explosifs découverts le même jour

Belgio 21/03/2022 Francia, Normandia, Senna Marittima, Le Havre, Saint-Romain-de-Colbosc, Oudalle “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Le service de déminage de la sécurité civile va avoir du travail dans les prochains jours. Dans la journée du mercredi 16…

12-year-old boy seriously hurt after grenade explodes in backyard

21/03/2022 Israele, Negev “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By Toi Staff A 12-year-old Bedouin boy was seriously hurt after a grenade he touched exploded in his backyard on Friday morning, medics said. According to the Ynet…

Guerra Russia-Ucraina, sirene a Kiev, Mariupol e Kharkiv sotto le bombe

20/03/2022 Ucraina (Україна) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” DALL’UCRAINA FRANCESCO SEMPRINI E NICCOLÒ ZANCAN. DIRETTA A CURA DI CHIARA BALDI Venticinquesimo giorno del conflitto tra la Russia e l’Ucraina e le forze russe tagliano fuori l’esercito…

Landmine explosion of war remnants leaves five injuries in Aleppo

SOHR activists have documented the injury of two children and their father, who are displaced from Afrin, due to explosion of an old landmine of war remnants in Babnis village in the northern Aleppo countryside. Source: syriahr.com Siria–Aleppo–Afrin In località Babnis, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce due bambini compreso il genitore Biography of a Bomb

Düsseldorf: alter Industriesprengstoff gefunden

20/03/2022 Germania, Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia, Düsseldorf “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” (Distretto 5 Stadtbezirk 5). Bei Abrissarbeiten am Flughafen ist am Mittwochnachmittag Industriesprengstoff gefunden worden. Für eine kontrollierte Sprengung wurde die A44 am Abend kurzzeitig gesperrt. Bei…

Granat hittad – sprängdes av bombskyddet

20/03/2022 Svezia, Svealand, Örebro “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Kumla-Ekeby-Närke-Kvarntorp (Quarnetorp). Markus Lundqvist, Anna Mendelsson, Olle Mellström och Mats Carlsvärd. Ett misstänkt farligt föremål hittades under torsdagsförmiddagen på Fortum i Kvarntorp. Polis tillkallades och avspärrningar sattes…

Weltkriegs-Bombe am Dortmunder Zoo gefunden

20/03/2022 Germania, Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia, Arnsberg, Dortmund “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Hörde–Hacheney. Von Björn Althoff. Bei Bauarbeiten ist im Dortmunder Süden eine Bombe gefunden worden. Der Blindgänger aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg liegt in der Nähe des…