Ognuno recita il proprio ruolo, immerso in quella divina sensazione di devozione allo scopo comune: la realizzazione di un'opera d'arte, che anche la bonifica bellica sa idealizzare.

Yearly Archives: 2020

Hof, rinvenute tre bombe d’aereo

21/10/2020 Germania, Baviera, Alta Franconia, Hof  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Das rund 64 Hektar große Gebiet liegt in der Einflugschneise, die alliierte Bomberpiloten im Zweiten Weltkrieg nutzen. Der Hofer Hauptbahnhof, der Bahnhof Neuhof und die…

Puente Duero, ragazzo trova una granata inesplosa

21/10/2020 Spagna, Castiglia e León, Valladolid  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Un joven ha encontrado un viejo proyectil de unos 50 centímetros en el Camino del Aniago, cerca de Puente Duero, en Valladolid, según publicó en su…

La crisi tra Armenia e Azerbaijan non cessa

Azerbaijan–Armenia Giuseppe Scognamiglio È durata pochissimo la tregua umanitaria nel Nagorno Karabakh, siglata sabato tra Armenia e Azerbaijan ed entrata in vigore alla mezzanotte, fra sabato e domenica. I Governi di Erevan e Baku si accusano a vicenda di aver violato gli accordi. “Il nemico ha sparato colpi di artiglieria a nord, tra la mezzanotte…

Stary Brus, ristruttura casa, elimina il pavimento e trova una bomba a mano

20/10/2020 Polonia, Lublino, Włodawa  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Podczas remontu jednego z domów w gminie Stary Brus pracownik budowlany natknął się na granat ręczny, który znajdował się w podłodze budynku. Wezwani na miejsce policjanci zabezpieczali…

Ljungbyholm, la magneto-tolleranza delle Istituzioni

20/10/2020 Svezia, Götaland  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Granaten hittades på söndagseftermiddagen av folk som var ute och ”magnetfiskade” i trakten av Ljungbyholm, söder om Kalmar. Foto-Fonte: expressen.se Contea-Comune Kalmar. In località Ljungbyholm un magnetofolle, munito…

Essen, rinvenute due bombe d’aereo

20/10/2020 Germania, Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia, Düsseldorf, Essen  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Die Entschärfung war erfolgreich! Beide Bomben sind entschärft. Die Sperrungen werden nun aufgehoben und die Bewohner können wieder in Ihre Häuser zurück. Vielen Dank an…

Villager loses leg in landmine explosion

The incident occurred at about 10am while Thanat Khamphidchu, 25, from Moo 5 village in tambon Khanun, and his relatives were picking mushrooms in a forest near the Thai-Cambodian border in tambon Sao Thong Chai. Fonte: bangkokpost.com Thailandia–Sisaket Distretto Kantharalak, Comune Sao Thong Chai, località tambon Khanun. L’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente un civile….

L’Aia, “ma si, facciamoci del male”

20/10/2020 Olanda, Olanda Meridionale, L’Aia  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” DEN HAAG – In het water bij de Wijndaelersingel in Den Haag hebben magneetvissers zaterdag een explosief opgevist. Het gaat om een granaat uit de Tweede…

Espoey, A.A.A. Vendesi casa con granate in soffitta

Belgio 20/10/2020 Francia, Nuova Aquitania, Pirenei Atlantici, Pau, Vallées de l’Ousse et du Lagoin  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Les nouveaux propriétaires d’une maison d’Espoey ont découvert deux obus de mortier stockés dans le grenier du…

Carnoustie, residuato bellico in spiaggia

20/10/2020 Regno Unito, Scozia, Angus, Carnoustie  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: “Around 3.30pm on Saturday, October 10, police were contacted by HM Coastguard to advise a device had been located…