18/04/2022 Cina, Hong Kong
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”
港鐵沙中線過海段最快於今年六至七月由紅磡站伸延過海,途經會展站直達金鐘站。港鐵於會展站工程期間曾先後發現三枚二戰時期炸彈,與政府部門商討後,將於站內展出其中一杖炸彈彈殼,讓乘客更了解該區歷史。金鐘站日後將會成為四線轉乘的樞紐車站,將東鐵線連接荃灣線、港島線及南港島線。而L4層轉車大堂設有扶手電梯接通L5層的東鐵線月台,乘客可直達大堂,同層另可直達E出入口,乘客可經行人天橋前往政府總部、立法會綜合大樓、統一中心、金鐘廊、太古廣場及中信大廈。此外,東鐵線過海段各車站亦將添置藝術品。其中,會展站將展出本地藝術家梁志和創作的作品《水記憶》;金鐘站將添置由美國藝術家Talley Fisher創作的藝術作品《引領前行》,其概念源自港鐵路線圖,懸浮雕塑象徵該車站匯聚四條鐵路線。
Photo-Source: orangenews.hk
Biography of a Bomb
Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover, the most important aspect is that we work completely non profit, raising awerness about this topic is what drives us. We apologize if we make use of pictures in yours articles, but we need them to put a context in how findings are done. We will (and we always do) cite source and author of the picture. We thank you for your comprehension.