Ognuno recita il proprio ruolo, immerso in quella divina sensazione di devozione allo scopo comune: la realizzazione di un'opera d'arte, che anche la bonifica bellica sa idealizzare.

Biography of a Bomb

Falkirk: Bomb squad called to canal after ‘unexploded device’ found

17/08/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Scozia (Scotland), Falkirk  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. By Alasdair Ferguson Police and bomb disposal experts were alerted to the discovery at the Forth and Clyde canal at South Bantaskin Road…

Unexploded Ordnance From the Past Poses a Threat to Ocean’s Future

17/08/2024 Isole Salomone (Solomon Islands)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. So many Second World War ships and planes were sunk around Savo Island in months of conflict between the US and Japan, that this stretch…

Two Citizens Killed in US-Saudi Explosive Remnants in Hodeidah

According to Almasirah correspondent in Hodeidah, the two citizens were killed in the explosion of a landmine in the village of Rayhan in the Al-Durayhimi District. Source: almasirah.net.ye Yemen–Al-Ḥudayda (Al Hudaydah/Hodeida/Hodeyda)–Al-Durayhimi (Ad Durayhimi) Zona Rayhan. L’esplosione di una mina uccide due civili. Biography of a Bomb

O familie din Vaslui a fost ani de zile în pericol de moarte fără să știe

16/08/2024 Romania, (România), Moldavia, Vaslui  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Mariana Apostoaie În timpul unor săpături făcute în jurul locuinței au fost descoperite 32 de kg de proiectile de tip grenadă, calibrul 88 de milimetri….

Erzurum’da doğal gaz çalışması sırasında patlamamış top mermisi bulundu

16/08/2024 Turchia (Türkiye), Anatolia (Anadolu), Erzurum  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Erzurum’da doğal gaz çalışması sırasında, Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı döneminden kaldığı değerlendirilen patlamamış top mermisi bulundu. Merkez Aziziye ilçesi Ömertepe Mahallesi’nde doğal gaz çalışması yapan ekipler,…

Pole uprawne skrywało arsenał broni z czasów II Wojny Światowej

16/08/2024 Polska, Lubelskie, Zamojski, Krasnobrod W środę (7 sierpnia) po południu dyżurny Komendy Miejskiej Policji w Zamościu został powiadomiony o niebezpiecznym znalezisku w miejscowości Rachodoszcze w gminie Krasnobród. Wysłani w rejon zgłoszenia policjanci zabezpieczyli to miejsce. Okazało się, że przez wiele lat, w ziemi zalegał granat moździerzowy, pocisk artyleryjski, 122 sztuki amunicji różnego kalibru i…

Barátságtalan meglepetések a mélyből

16/08/2024 Ungheria (Magyarország), Budapest, Provincia di Pest  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Második világháborús gépágyúlőszerek kerültek elő a Pest vármegyei Délegyházán, egy épület alapjának mélyítésekor – közölte a Magyar Honvédség tűzszerész ezrede csütörtökön az MTI-vel….

Rohingya man killed, 2 Injured in landmine explosion

A Rohingya youth was killed and two others were injured in a landmine explosion during crab harvesting in the Naf River in Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar. Source: tbsnews.net Bangladesh-Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar Territorio Teknaf. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un giovane Rohingya e ferisce due amici. Le vittime pescavano granchi nel fiume Naf. Biography of a Bomb

Žena čistila kuću pa pronašla ručne bombe i metke

15/08/2024 Croazia, (Hrvatska), Slavonia (slavonska županija), Osijek e Baranja (Osječko-baranjska županija), Kneževi Vinogradi (Kneževim Vinogradima)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. U Kneževim Vinogradima u Slavoniji žena je jučer prilikom čišćenja kuće pronašla dvije ručne bombe…

Granaten, Schwert & Munition bei Wega-Einsatz entdeckt

15/08/2024 Austria (Österreich), Vienna (Wien), Liesing Zu einem Fund mehrerer Waffen kam es am Donnerstag in Liesing. Zunächst soll ein 40-Jähriger gegenüber seinem Therapeuten geäußert haben, dass er sich mit zwei Handgranaten das Leben nehmen wolle. Daraufhin rückten verschiedene Polizeikräfte, darunter auch die WEGA, zu der Wohnung des Mannes aus. Es gelang, den 40-Jährigen hinaus…