Child killed and two others injured in landmine explosion in Daraa countryside

A child was killed and two others of Bedouin tribes were injured, as a result of the explosion of an old landmine, between Al-Naimah and Saida towns, east of Daraa. Source: Siria–Daraa L’esplosione di una mina celata in un campo situato tra i territori Al-Naimah e Saida uccide un bambino e ferisce due adulti….

Two killed in Kashmore landmine explosion

According to details, the incident took place in village Gahi Khan Bhaiyo where a landmine went off with big bang Source: Pakistan–Sindh-Kashmore Zona Kandhkot, località Gahi Khan Bhaiyo. L’esplosione di una mina uccide due residenti e ferisce altre due persone. Biography of a Bomb

Three children injured by landmine explosion in Al-Bokamal

Three children, aged between 13-15 years, were injured, due to the explosion of an old landmine, while they were herding livestock in Al-Suwaiaaha village, in Al-Bokamal city in Deir Ezzor countryside Source: Siria–Deir el-Zor–Abu Kamal–Kamal (Al-Bukamal) Territorio Al-Suwaiaaha. L’esplosione di una mina ferisce tre ragazzi di età compresa tra i 13 e 15 anni….

Four Children, Adult Injured In Pakistan Blast

Four children, aged 7 to 10, and an adult were injured in an explosion in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar early on December 5 Source: Pakistan–Khyber Pakhtunkhwa–Peshawar L’esplosione di una mina Ied, ferisce 4 bambini di età compresa tra i 7 e 10 anni.  Ferito anche un adulto. Biography of a Bomb

Roadside Explosion In Western Kabul Injures Two Children

A roadside blast in Kabul has injured at least two children, the fifth explosion this week in the Afghan capital. Source: Afghanistan–Kabul L’esplosione di una mina piazzata in strada ferisce due bambini. Biography of a Bomb

Man critically injured by landmine explosion in Akkar

A landmine explosion in Wadi Khaled in Akkar, North Lebanon, on Sunday critically injured a 31-year Source: Libano–Akkar L’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente un 31-enne. Biography of a Bomb

Conoscere per Ri-Conoscere al Panetti di Bari

Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare Dipartimento Ordigni Bellici Inesplosi Taranto–Foggia–Lecce–Brindisi Bari Ieri 21 dicembre, presso L’istituto superiore Panetti si è svolta la campagna Conoscere per Ri-Conoscere rivolta alla consapevolezza del rischio profuso da ordigni inesplosi e residuati bellici di vario tipo. L’incontro si è svolto in due sessioni. Ringraziamo la Presidenza, Vice Presidenza, Professoressa referente dei progetti…

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